Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sambil Blogging Minum Dollar

Sambil blogging minum dolar? Tidak ada yang salah dengan judul di atas. Sebagian dari kita sudah banyak yang tahu tentang make money by blogging, menghasilkan uang dari sekedar hobi ngeblog atau bahkan menjadikan ngeblog sebagai sumber penghasilan utama. Bagaimana tidak mungkin, sudah banyak para bloggers Indonesia yang sudah menghasilkan ratusan bahkan ribuan dolar per bulan berkat hobinya tersebut.

Bagaimana sebuah blog dapat menghasilkan uang?
Sebuah blog yang sukses adalah blog yang mempunyai pembaca setia dan informasi yang diberikan menarik dan bermanfaat bagi pengunjungnya. Semakin banyak pengunjung mengindikasikan semakin sukses blog tersebut. Mengapa harus demikian? Sebuah informasi tanpa pengunjung bisa dikatakan sia-sia dan tanpa pengunjung tidaklah berjalan tujuan mengkomersilkan sebuah blog. Biasanya sumber pendapatan utama sebuah blog adalah dari iklan atau menjual barang, karena itulah traffic blog yang tinggi sangat menunjang untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tersebut.

Sebuah blog yang sudah terkenal dan memiliki nama besar cenderung lebih mudah mendapatkan customer pemasang iklan. Hal ini wajar saja, mengingat setiap pemasang iklan tidak mau membuang uang dengan percuma untuk memasang iklan pada blog yang tidak populer. Namun, dengan semakin banyaknya pihak ketiga yang menjembatani antara pemasang iklan dan sebuah website atau sering disebut dengan ad networks seperti Google AdSense, kita semakin dimudahkan untuk mengkomersilkan blog kita dengan menjadi publisher dari layanan tersebut. Bahkan ini bisa dilakukan oleh sebuah blog yang belum mempunyai trafik yang tinggi. Tetapi tentu saja selama trafik kita masih rendah, penghasilan dari blog kita juga belum maksimal. Tidak hanya menjadi publisher, blog kita juga dapat menghasilkan uang dengan menjadi afiliasi dari sebuah situs e-commerce dengan menawarkan produk atau dagangan mereka melalui blog kita.

Bagaimana memulai mengkomersilkan sebuah blog?
Tentu saja kita harus mempunyai blog terlebih dahulu :). Blog ini bisa memakai nama domain sendiri dan hosting berbayar atau yang paling mudah menggunakan layanan gratisan seperti Blogger. Mulailah dengam sebuah blog dengan topik yang kita minati dan bersifat niche (bertema khusus) karena blog seperti itu biasanya akan mempunyai pembaca yang setia dan kita lebih terfokus dan enjoy dalam mengupdatenya. Setelah itu kita melakukan optimalisasi pada search engine atau lebih dikenal dengan Search Engine Optimization (SEO) dan mempromosikan blog kita. Seiring dengan itu, kita dapat mengajukan diri sebagai publisher pada salah satu ad networks seperti Google AdSense atau menjadi afiliasi dari situs e-commerce tertentu.

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Money Making Blogging Tips you Must Have

If you are new to writing a blog, let me first explain the types of blogs available on the Internet. In general there are only two types of blogs, commercial and non commercial blogs.

Commercials blogs are like Trump University blog where it professional writers post regularly with tons of advertisements or products and services of their own, mostly created by companies not individuals. The most common type of blogs are the non commercial blogs, where people like me and you normally write on.

In non commercial blogs it can further break down into 2 different types of blogs. The first one is blogging for leisure, which means you only blog for the purpose like a personnel online diary. The second type of blog would be business blogs. Business blogs are like blogs like mine where I write this blog and update it regularly to make a living out of it.

If you are wondering can people take blogging as a profession, yes you can. And I have search on the internet there are many others just like us making money from blogging. The reason before I go into some tips to blog right, you need to understand the main role of your blog and what type of blog do you have. Different blogs have different functions to them.

Some people use blogs as a tool to get attention to their main page, some people use blogs just to talk about their personnel lifestyle and there will be some who are serious, lan and structure their post when they write in their blogs which create dollars.

Like in any business, you need to first map out what you want out of your blog before you even start posting your first post. This is very important especially at the start point of your blog when it is very new. You need to give the best impression as you can within the 1st 10 seconds of your visitors to allow them to stay longer.

A great tool that I use that is in build in almost all web hosting package is the Awstats in your cpanel.


The longer you can keep a reader on your site, you know that your site is of some use for them. During your process when you blog, it is always good to search around for ways to get traffic and publish your blog URL.

Ways get traffic to your blog:

- Offline Marketing (Give out namecards at events)

- Forum Marketing

- PPC Marketing

- Article Marketing

- SEO Marketing

and so much more

From my experience, the best types of traffic you want to get is exchange links from other people who are in the same trade of business as you. Example, my niche is about blogging so what I would do is a Google search blogging and search for the top blogs on the Internet.

When searching a potential link exchange or Joint venture with the bloggers you would want to find two types of blogger. Let say your blog has about 500 hits a day, you can find a blog whose traffic is about the same as yours and you write an email to him to ask for a link exchange. Most likely he will be happy to help as all you need to do is post an article about his website.

The other method would be you can find those popular bloggers who know nuts about traffic and you know they have a lot so what you do you ask them for an exclusive interview with them. Remember this rule in Joint Venture, always think in the way "What is it in for him, not for you". When you write your email make sure when the person reads it, it has to benefit him all the time! The reason why, because people don't care how much you care unless you show them how much you care for them trust me this works.

Once you have managed to build a relationship via email, you would want to try to get other ways to communicate like Skype, MSN or Yahoo. To tell you the truth, many websites in fact get tons and tons of traffic FAST not from using Internet Marketing methods but from Viral Marketing or Joint Ventures!

Some great examples would be

- Do a press release (cost US$80 one time) and get published on newspaper to and create a story that is so unique it will viral itself. Have you wonder how those Gurus always get interview out of no where, it because of press release.

- Joint venture with someone very famous or has tons of traffic, if he or she likes you and your website is on the main page of his site. Expect to see a growth of traffic to your website the next day!

- Another great tip would be, buy your way to get traffic. You can go to my review me site here and what ReviewMe does is you can pay me a fix amount and I will do a review about your blog. If you really understood what I am trying to say, this is the cheapest and most effective way of getting traffic if you want to pay for it.

Why I say this is because, imagine the owner of the website itself has already build so much creditability for his own readers on this website. Would an article post review drive more traffic to your website or a banner advertisement? Think about that for a moment. I personally have tried it and on top of the traffic I get I also get tons of emails for joint ventures because the blog I advertise in was about Internet Marketing too. Even until today although it cost US$250 , there is still traffic coming in until today because the website has a PR 5 which people searching for some phrases actually still goes to that review page.

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