You've typed and clicked and dragged and dropped, and your website or blog is ready to go. Your visitors are happy, they click your links and go from page to page. You get great feedback, but the more you do, the more they want from you. How can you keep your visitors interested, and informed, so that they keep coming back?
Content! You need content! If you are descended from Charles Dickens, Emily Dickinson, and Albert Einstein, you can probably write it all yourself in your sleep. But if you are like the rest of us, you could use a little help.
That's where free articles can help. You can get free articles for your web pages, and use the content to add to your site in seconds. The only thing the author asks is that you include their 'about the author' information, that generally includes a link to their web site or web page.
What can you do with free articles?
1. Introduce new ideas to your visitors.
2. Show points of view you agree with, or disagree with, to stimulate discussion.
3. Elaborate on topics that are not the central focus of your site or blog.
4. Introduce your visitors to experts in the field.
5. Establish your own expertise through your selection of good article
6. Review the article and publish a link to the full article.
You can get free articles through an article syndicator, such as They have tens of thousands of free articles on almost any topic you can think of. Some of them are very, very good. Some - not so much. But in a few minutes reading, chances are good you can find at least one article that will really interest you - and your website visitors. Or you may find dozens - or hundreds - of articles, that you can use for a long time to come.
Yes, it could be that other websites will be hosting the same article. But the web is a huge place, and your visitors are interested in the unique collection of information that you provide to them. The information is valuable not only for what it says, but also for where it is located and what else it is associated with.
If you are concerned about your visitors clicking on a link and leaving your website, consider having the author's link open in a new browser window. That way when they finish reading the article, they can close the window and they will still be on your site.
It is surprising how much free content is out there. When you start looking through article directories, you may find a lot of useful information to enhance your website, including ideas that you have never thought of. Read five articles at random, and see if you don't learn something useful. Now imagine your own web visitors having this same experience, only with articles you have hand-selected for their interest and usefulness.
At some point you might want to write your own free articles to bring new traffic to your website. But that topics is the subject for another article.
Try some free content today. I think you will be pleased at the quality and usefulness of many of the free articles that are available to you today.
Friday, November 23, 2007
How To Use Free Articles On Your Website Or Blog
Diposting oleh Nurcahyo Arifianto di 8:51 AM 0 komentar
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
How To Find Words Of Inspiration
Let's face it, life comes with many ups and downs. Although it is difficult to do in order to be successful you need to not let the "downs" get to you.
These situations are inevitable from time to time, but if you let them make you feel bad you are only hindering yourself. Learn from the rough patches and always maintain a clear focus as to what you want in life. This will keep you inspired. It can help to learn words of inspiration to tell yourself in order to get through the trials and tribulations of life.
Inspire Others
Just as you can inspire yourself, imagine the power you can have in helping others in offering any kind of words of inspiration to cheer up others when they are having a hard time.
Inspire Yourself To Change
There no doubts those words of inspiration can help you overcome many types of bad feelings, such as disappointment, stress, anxiety and depression. There is perhaps nothing quite as soothing to the mind and body as listening to words of inspiration.
Words of inspiration can lift you up and keep you there on an otherwise bad day. Always remember that positive thinking brings positive results so you need to do whatever you can to stay in that "happy" state of mind all day. I know it may sound corny to some, but those people think to negatively to ever be successful.
Everyone has different wants and needs in life and you need to tailor your words of inspiration to what you want in life. If it is more money you want, you might say something like "money comes easily and frequently to me." Whenever you are feeling stressed about finances say this phrase to yourself over and over. It will inspire you and get rid of anxious or stressful thoughts.
If you desire more meaningful relationships you might use the phrase, "I deserve to find my soul mate and I will," etc. The important thing to remember about words of inspiration is that they need to be specifically tailored to your life.
I find many people who pray all day, but never really achieve any positive results from it. I am not knocking religion, but repeating standard phrases over and over again without real feeling and meaning for "you" will not produce results.
These words will do nothing, because they are not tailored to your life. They are a standard saying from a book. If there is a certain passage you really like just change a few of the words so the words of inspiration pertain specifically to your life, then watch your prayers come to life.
Inspire People At Work And In Life
With appropriately chosen words of inspiration, there is every possibility of connecting with others. The right words of inspiration can motivate, persuaded, and even coerce others into doing what is necessary. And, in case of the workplace, anything that helps in inspiring employees and co-workers would be welcome.
Don't Believe Words Of Inspiration Are Powerful - Remember Gandhi
One of the foremost exponents of words of inspiration was none other than the great Indian soul known as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, or Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi inspired millions of Indians to follow and believe in him only through his words and way of thought.
Gandhi's sayings still inspire people not only from India, but all round the world. His writings and sayings were filled with so much inspiration that they swayed the masses into following his Civil Disobedience Movement that eventually led to the Independence of India from the British just sixty years ago.
You just can't argue the power of personal inspirational thought. It is the only way to deal with life's mishaps, which are nothing more than learning blocks on the road of life. It doesn't matter what words you choose to inspire yourself, just make sure they are specific to your life and situation and believe with all your heart that they are true.
Diposting oleh Nurcahyo Arifianto di 4:41 PM 0 komentar
Monday, November 19, 2007
Road Map your Dream of Success
Are we there yet? Are you there yet?
Are you even on the right track to get there?
When you know where you want to be, then learning the steps to get there is easy.
The road to success is smooth and easy for those who have a plan and implement the right plan.What good is a road map if you won't follow it?
But I bet the road you have been on has been bumpy and full of pot holes. The mistake that we make are creating the bumps that we are experiencing. It is time to anticipate a change in direction. Assess what you have been doing and apply the secrets of success to create your new focused success plan.
Abolish those bad habits that have been rewarding you with what you have. It is time now, to clobber the past and move to a very positive future. Hold a vision of where you want to go and do the very things that will move you in that direction. Can you see yourself as a master of your destiny?
Finding yourself where you are, this is the result of the decisions you have made up to this point. Face it, you are the result of every move you have made. “If you are facing in the right direction, all you have to do is keep on walking.” Time is now to change your future. Gain is in your future.
If we can grasp the fact that success is a choice, we all must choose wisely what we do from this point forward. Everything that you have ,was because of the choices that you have made.The decisions we make build our futures. Build the future that you see in your dreams. Are you there yet?
So where are you now? Stuck in the traffic jam of your daily commute? There is a better way. Capture your future success with a plan to win. Learn what no one has taught you in school. Learn from successful people that have gone before you. Practice what they have done that was successful and avoid a multitude of mistakes.
Time now is to mobilize yourself and overcome everything, to secure a future that most only dream of. Ignite your passions. When we unleash our selves to be what we are passionate about the universe will respond to our every wish. Take the necessary action to reach your goals. Action Start Now
What do you wish for? Are you willing to work for your wishes? Your dreams and wishes can become the very thing that you desire, if only you act upon those very things that will move you in the right direction. Action overcomes all obstacles to your dreams.
Explore the possibility, that your future is in your very own hands. How do you develop the skills that you will need to insure your success in the future. Look to the success of others that have achieved what you dream of, study what they have done that was successful and what they tried and failed at. Learning from other people's mistakes can save you time and effort by not making the same mistakes. Gather their experiences and exploit what they know to your own advantage.
How can you understand the power of their knowledge? Evaluate what they have written in their books and listen to what they have said. Then act upon the steps that they have taken. Only then can you be inspired to a higher level of achievement. Take Action!
You are about to learn the secret to a successful online business, Time is now to evaluate where you go next....
source : Read More......
Diposting oleh Nurcahyo Arifianto di 3:00 PM 0 komentar
Six Ways to be Dumber
Why do we need ways to be dumber? We don't of course, but there are two basic ways to improve one. The first is to actively engage in new thoughts and behaviors that are better, and the other is to avoid those patterns of though and behavior that make matters worse. This is based on the latter approach.
Here are some of the things people do that hurt their brains or get in the way of effective thinking. In other words, the things that makes them dumber. If you see some of your own habits on the list, you can start getting rid of your bad habits.
1. Explaining too much. Sometimes, as soon as you have an explanation for something you stop thinking about it. For example, we explain human aggression as a "survival instinct," and leave it at that. But that leaves a lot of interesting questions unanswered doesn't it? (Like why do some have more of this than others?) Saying "I don't know," may feel like an uncomfortable admission of ignorance, but it often leads to more understanding, certainly more so than having a ready explanation for everything.
2. Too much alcohol. It has been shown in many studies now that moderate alcohol consumption is healthy, and even good for some aspects of brain function. "Moderate" means a drink or two each day at most, though. More than two and the evidence points to damage to brain cells.
3. Too many simple carbohydrates. The long term consequences of eating too much sugar, white flour and other simple carbohydrates include the risk of diabetes and obesity, and possibly a decrease in brain function. The latter hasn't yet been proven, but the short term effect is the well-known "sugar blues" which causes brain fog. Eat a big piece of sugary pie on an empty stomach and you will probably feel yourself getting dumber over the following half-hour.
4. Blaming circumstances. Even if a person or circumstance really causes a problem for you, focusing on blaming or excuse-making short-circuits your problem-solving thinking. If you are busy blaming, you aren't usually looking for a better approach to a situation. Also, once you make an excuse or blame someone, your mind unconsciously starts to look for evidence to support your belief, instead of thinking of a solution.
5. Too many hydrogenated fats. Hydrogenated oils, found in most packages foods now, cause heart disease and general clogging of the arteries - including those that feed the brain. Less blood flow means less ability for the brain to think clearly and to repair cells. Better alternatives are olive oil and canola oil.
6. Mental laziness. Yes, the brain really does need exercise, just like the rest of our bodies. The functioning of the various specific parts improves with practice (practice solving problems and you'll get better at it), but there are physical changes as well. Mental exercises have been shown to grow new brain cells and thicken some parts of the brain. Mental laziness, on the other hand, makes you dumber.
There are more ways than these to be dumber, but avoiding the ones listed here is a good way to start increasing that brainpower.
source : Read More......
Diposting oleh Nurcahyo Arifianto di 2:56 PM 0 komentar
Label: Six Ways to be Dumber
Friday, November 16, 2007
Cara Buat Promosi blogspot kita
Setelah selesai membuat blog, hal yg tak kalah pentingnya adalah empromosikan/memperkenalkan blog milik Anda pada dunia ramai. Apa gunanya membuat blog kalau isi curhat, puisi, cerpen, refleksi dan opini Anda yang diposting tidak dibaca orang, bukan?
Ikuti langkah-langkah promosi blog sebagai berikut:
(1) Daftarkan di blog directory
Daftarkan blog Anda ke berbagai direktori blog (blog directory). Sedikitnya, daftarkan di tiga blog directory terbesar dan terpopuler, yaitu (a) (b) (c) Ikuti seluruh petunjuk pada ketiga blog directory tsb ketika mendaftar.Blog-blog directory ini nantinya secara otomatis akan mengirim data blog dan posting-posting anda ke berbagai search engine, termasuk tiga search engine besar yaitu,,
(2) Link-trade, Link Exchange atau Tukar Link Ajak teman anda yg memiliki blog untuk saling tukar link. Link URL anda di blog dia, dan jangan lupa anda juga memasukkan link blog teman anda tsb. di blog anda. Dalam dunia blog, ini disebut juga dg istilah BLOGROLL. Dan blogroll ini salah satu penyebab cepatnya popularitas blog di seluruh dunia, mengalahkan website yg biasa.Blogroll atau link-exchange tidak harus melalui permintaan, bisa juga dg saling suka rela. Umpamanya, ada seseorang blogger (pemilik blog) yg memasang link Anda di blog dia, apabila Anda tahu, maka Anda juga “berkewajiban” menambah link blog dia di blog Anda. Apabila tidak, maka akan dicap sebagai “blogger pelit”. Di dunia maya pun, sebagaimana di dunia nyata, orang pelit akan selalu teralienasi. Dg kata lain, sedikit “tamu”nya.
Nah, bagaimana cara mengetahui ada yg mengelink blog Anda? Caranya mudah: tulis di kotak alamat blog Anda atau blog siapa saja yg ingin Anda ketahui. Contoh blog ini,, setelah itu tekan search, anda akan tahu siapa saja yg ngelink ke blog tsb.
Sebagai langkah pertama ‘proyek’ tukar link, Anda bisa mencoba dg memasang link blog di sidebar blog Anda. Dalam waktu tidak lama, alamat blog Anda akan tampil di blognya.
(3) Berkunjung ke blog lain
Untuk menambah teman untuk diajak blogroll, sempatkan berkunjung ke blog2 lain, dan berkomentar di bukutamu atau tagboard mereka atau berkomentar di tulisan mereka sambil jangan lupa memasang alamat blog Anda di blog mereka. Dalam waktu tidak lama, mereka akan “bertamu balik” ke “rumah” atau blog Anda.
(4) Aktivitas posting
Usahakan sedikitnya satu kali posting setiap harinya. Posting yg teratur di blog, akan membuat tamu datang secara teratur juga.
(5) Alamat blog di signature email
Tulis alamat blog Anda di signature email. Sehingga setiap anda menulis email ke pribadi atau ke milis, alamat blog anda akan selalu muncul, dan “menggoda” orang untuk berkunjung. Memposting ringkasan tulisan di blog Anda ke milis juga akan sangat menggoda member milis untuk datang ke blog Anda. (bersambung)
Read More......Diposting oleh Nurcahyo Arifianto di 2:39 PM 0 komentar
System Restore Process in Windows Xp
The System Restore feature of Microsoft® Windows® XP (the operating system previously known as Microsoft® Whistler) enables administrators to restore their PCs, in the event of a problem, to a previous state without losing personal data files (such as Word documents, drawings, or e-mail). System Restore actively monitors system file changes and some application file changes to record or store previous versions before the changes occurred. With System Restore, users never have to think about taking system snapshots as it automatically creates easily identifiable restore points, which allow users to revert the system back to a previous time. Restore points are created at the time of significant system events (such as application or driver install) and periodically (every day). Additionally, users can create and name their own restore points at any time. System Restore has an automatic restore point space-management feature that purges the oldest restore points to make room for new ones, so that a rolling safety net is always kept under the user, enabling the user to recover from recent undesirable changes.
If users experience system failure or another significant problem, they can use System Restore from SafeMode or Normal Mode to go back to a previous system state, restoring optimal system functionality. System Restore will not revert user data or document files, so restoring will not cause users to lose their work, mail, or even browsing history and favorites
System Restore is enabled by default and will run upon the successful completion of either the Windows XP Professional or Home version installation. System Restore uses 400mb or 12% of the Hard Drive (whichever is greater) by default. It requires a minimum of 200 MB of space available on the system partition. If there are not 200 MBs available, System Restore will install disabled and will enable itself automatically once the required disk space is created.
Design Overview
System Restore monitors a core set of system and application files, recording and sometimes copying states of these files before changes are made. Monitored files include those that are not in excluded directories (My Documents) and that do not have known data file extensions (such as .doc). System Restore automatically creates restore points; no user intervention is required. To create a restore point, System Restore takes a full snapshot of the registry and some dynamic system files. For a list of file extension types, which are included (monitored and restored), refer to the Monitored File Extensions list in the System Restore section of the Platform SDK.
To restore a system, System Restore reverts file changes done to monitored files, recapturing the file state at the time of the selected restore point. It then replaces the current registry with the “snapshotted” one, which coincides with the selected restore point. Some security and dynamic rights and authentication information from the current registry is then copied to the restored registry. The next sections will discuss in-depth how this feature works. To achieve the desired behavior after a restore, application developers should answer the following:
Do key application binaries to be protected by System Restore contain extensions consistent with those included in the portion of the System Restore Monitored File Extensions list in the Platform SDK?
Are user-editable files, or intended personal data files (for example, .pdf, .xls, .htm) named in such a way that they will not be monitored as included extension types? For example, have you named a file extension .ini that a user can modify as a personal data file? If so, this will impede the perception of your product’s performance, as well as cause the user to lose work as a result of a restore. (See the Monitored File Extensions list in the System Restore section of the Platform SDK.)
Is there key information stored in the registry which, following a restore, will prevent users access to their personal data files or their application? If so, is there a mechanism by which the user can again download or install an application without having to pay for it again? Or have you specified the registry keys where this information is stored in the registry under hklm->system->currentcontrolset->control->backuprestore->KeysNotToRestore? If the information also resides in files, have you ensured System Restore will not restore these files by calling out hklm->system->currentcontrolset->control->backuprestore->filesnottobackup?
For backup utilities, does it check the files specified in NTFilesnottobackup and, if listed, not back them up? System Restore datastores should not be backed up and are specified in NTFilesnottobackup. System Restore only monitors on first write, so when backing up files, using the operation “open to backup” will not cause additional overhead from System Restore.
Does the backup utility have undo functionality in the event of a cancelled or failed recovery? If not, calling the System Restore API (14-Recovery) will ensure users have a restore point immediately before a recovery so that users can revert an undesirable or cancelled recovery. (See SRSetRestorePoint in the System Restore section of the Platform SDK.)
Automatically Created Restore Points
Restore points are created to allow users to choose previous system states. Each restore point gathers the necessary information needed to restore to a precisely chosen system state. They are created before key changes are made to the system. Since these restore points are automatic, users don’t even have to think about creating manual restore points (unless they choose to). The following topics describe the triggers that cause this feature to create a restore point.
Event-triggered restore points
System Restore will automatically create a restore point before the following events:
Application installations (provided the application utilizes a current installer that is System Restore RestorePT.API compliant). In the event the application causes harm to the user’s system, choosing a restore point before the application was installed allows the user to roll the system state back to the time before the installation of the application, if needed.
AutoUpdate installation. The Auto/Industry Update feature of Windows XP provides an easier way for users to download critical Microsoft Windows® updates in an unobtrusive way. Once the update is downloaded, the user is presented with the opportunity to install the update on the user’s system. When the user chooses to install the update, the System Restore feature will create a restore point before the actual installation of the update begins. If the user restores after files are downloaded but before the installation of the update occurs, the downloaded files will not be removed by the restore operation.
Restore operation. If a user, for example, accidentally chooses the wrong system state to restore back to, the user can, by choosing a restore point before this operation, undo the restore operation. The user can then choose the correct restore point. The restore operation itself will create a restore point for undo purposes.
Microsoft Backup Utility Recovery. Before Microsoft Backup Utility performs a backup recovery, System Restore will create a restore point. In the event the recovery is cancelled or leaves the system in an undesirable state, users can use this restore point to revert the system to the point before the recovery started.
Unsigned driver installation. Unsigned device driver installations are detected by the INF installer of Windows. Before the installation proceeds, a restore point is created so in the event the installation results in a harmful impact to the system, users can restore to the point immediately before the unsigned driver installation.
Manual Restore points. At any time, users (administrator/owner users only) may create and name an on-demand restore point. This is useful to create a “checkpoint” to return to preceding a particularly risky change, before a shared system is left to other users, or at a particular state the user perceives to be optimal.
What's Restored and What's Not
Profiles (local only—roaming user profiles not impacted by restore)
WFP.dll cache
IIS Metabase
Files with extensions listed in the portion of the Monitored File Extensions list in the System Restore section of the Platform SDK
Not Restored
DRM settings
SAM hives (does not restore passwords)
WPA settings (Windows authentication information is not restored)
Specific directories/files listed in the Monitored File Extensions list in the System Restore section of the Platform SDK
Any file with an extension not listed as in the Monitored File Extensions list in the System Restore section of the Platform SDK
Items listed in both Filesnottobackup and KeysnottoRestore (hklm->system->controlset001->control->backuprestore->filesnottobackup and keysnottorestore)
User-created data stored in the user profile
Contents of redirected folders
For more details on this topic please go to
Diposting oleh Nurcahyo Arifianto di 10:09 AM 0 komentar
Is Job Loss Making you Sick?
Job loss affects us like any other loss in life. There are other losses that are greater, but this one comes close.
From my experience, job loss can make people sick! There is often terrible anger; anger which turns into depression. Even euphoria, or gladness that the terrible job is over, has its downside.
Relief from leaving a bad job should be enjoyed while it lasts. That stage won’t last long either. The relief can prepare the job seeker for a second wind and serve as a buffer for the road ahead as a new job seeker.
When anger, depression and frustration set in, the “job loser”, soon to be job seeker, can hit some rough spots with displaced anger; sleeplessness, irritability and mild despair. That’s a time to get some medical advice, perhaps, to cope a little better with loss. (I don’t advise a lot of drugs to get back on track).
This time, too, in the job search recovery period is to get some exercise. Exercising at something, not out of habit or compulsion, but exercise at something that is fun, helps stave off the job loss blues.
Another important thing to do is to get emotional support. It doesn’t matter where the support comes from; a family member or an agency. Emotional support can be a life saver in helping job seekers to see their predicament as something that can be lived through. A helper who is funny and pleasant to be around, can help the job seeker to avoid mood swings and depression.
Talking helps a lot. Writing down the job loss experience and throwing the paper away you’ve written on, can provide a feeling of closure. By all means, don’t stay isolated. And hope of a better future can mean the difference between job loss sickness and a healthier future.
Diposting oleh Nurcahyo Arifianto di 10:01 AM 0 komentar
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Success Through Personal Development
Many of us keep asking the question 'what is personal development'. It simply means that you do a daily activity for improving your day to day performance. Self development or personal growth is also sometimes referred to as personal development and it covers a broad set of areas to develop. This is also about improving yourself emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually and all the areas of personal development are therefore intended to improve your mind, heart, your body and spirit. There are a few steps that lead to success through personal development.
Importance of Goal setting for success
Hoping for success through personal development will need the setting of a predetermined goal. Setting a goal is an organized personal planning. This is an unfailing method for identification of the areas you need to succeed in- be it your professional career or personal life. The process of setting a goal gives you the laser sharp focus on what you need to achieve lasting and real success. To start setting a goal the first step you need to take is decide with deep concentration on what direction you need to take your life. From the very first step, your goal will keep you focused on the direction you have chosen and will act as a suggestion point for the times when you feel that you have drifted from your determined path.
How habits help you be successful
Habits play a major role in ones life help one succeed in ones career. There is a simple habit plan that you can follow in your everyday life to cultivate positive progress. The healthy habit of going to the gym would keep you energized throughout the day. Good habits can be inculcated only in the formative years of ones life and one mustn't falter then. There is a habit of never leaving a question unanswered. The habit of going through daily tasks and reviewing the progress of your set goal is a much sought after trait. There are many more personal development habits that one can cultivate for a successful career.
Motivation and Discipline for mastering habits
A true fact is that some of the habits require discipline. Well, that the beauty of cultivating a really good habit with a few clear values and not having to work in maintaining them. Most of the habits need tough efforts at their forming stage. It may take some time but when it's done, you would feel the real need for the habit as it would benefit you. This would help you enjoy most of your daily task. There also bad habits those play an important part in ones life. They remind us of the crucial processes and approaches that need to be changed as soon as possible. A few bad habits that have an immediate and direct impact are watching too much TV or eating junk food. There are other habits that don't have deep impact despite being in the harmful category.
Diposting oleh Nurcahyo Arifianto di 9:07 AM 0 komentar
How to Become Successful in Any Business You Start
What does success mean to you? I think that success could all come down to having a nice house, driving an awesome car, having kids, or even traveling the world. No matter what your definetion of success is it always requires a lot of work in the beginning to get where you dream of.
Starting a business can always be something confusing to enter into. With the proper information and goals set in place in can be a lot easier to achieve.
The key to being successful with any business is dedication. You must love the business your in that way you actually have a drive to want to wake up and work hard at whatever you want to do. In order to have success with any business, I feel that one needs to have all of these types of qualities:
1. Focused
You must stay focused on your business in order to have success. Make sure that you set up a daily plan as to what you will be doing everyday to stay on schedule. Make sure that you write out in your schedule book exaclty what you want to accomplish for the day.
2. Honesty
Everything that you put into your business must be honest. You will never gain credibility or success if you are unhonest to your customers. Without honestly youll never gain trust.
3. Customer Centric
Make sure that you are commited to your customers needs and are willing to go out of your way for them to make that sale. The greater you are commited to your customer the better chance you will know what people are looing for.
4. Balance
Make sure that you balance all of the above and keep orgainzed. In order to be successful you must stay calm and know exactly what step to take next. Like I said early, you can keep a schedule book with you wherever you go that way you will know what to do next.
These 4 points are crucial to keep in mind if you want to be successful in your business. A new book that came out recently that has helped many people become successful with there business is called the 12 Month Internet Millionaire. This book also explains many different steps you could take to make larger profits for a business as well. Id recommend taking a look at it if you need an extra boost for your business.
Diposting oleh Nurcahyo Arifianto di 9:05 AM 0 komentar
Discover How Your Tragic Events can open the Door for Your Future Success
They are people who pondered and asked why certain tragic events in life occurred to them. The events can be the loss of loved ones, loves ones leaving them, handling rejections from work and overcoming massive obstacles such as injury. It can be a daunting task going through such experiences but you realized that those who are willing to overcome the odds ultimately achieve success in their life.
Let us take a look at the following. Tom, a young guy in his early twenties, who has computer design skills, has finally found the courage to find a job. It was during the difficult economic recession period. He went for numerous job applications and was rejected. It was only after six months that he finally landed a job in small design company. Tom was excited and nervous during his first day. He was glad that finally he has a job. His day started slowly and his workload piled up, Tom also realized that he has no mentor. He was given task beyond his ability and skills. He found it difficult to adapt to the new pace. "This is only my first day at work", he said to himself.
Finally, after 4 hours in job, Tom boss realized that he can barely managed the pace of the work. He called Tom into his office. He told Tom that he is not needed anymore. As Tom headed back home, he could not believe at the turn around of his life. Everything was well before. Now, he is facing failures after failures. Tom found it hard to accept it and broke down. But he was lucky to have supportive loved ones who encouraged him to keep going.
Tom did not give up. He kept on going. He realized that he wants to help nurture the young to learn from failures and be determined to achieve success in life. He found education as a wonderful tool to develop the young generation. He started by giving it back for free or minimal education fees for his services to educate them. After a few months, he decided to educate the young on a bigger scale. He went to various institutions to apply for a job there but he received countless rejections again. Finally after the umpteen times of trying, he finally landed a job that enabled him to contribute immensely to the young.
Tom still does face mistakes and failures in his attempts to inspire the young but this time around Tom with great experiences, realized failures are part of success. In fact, Tom uses it effectively to explain to the young about learning from your failures to keep going to achieve success in life. Tom felt that his past failures were actually paths leading to his definition of success. His moments of great satisfaction became a reality when one of the young he shared his experiences with said to him. "Mr Tom, you are so kind and I want to thank you for your sharing and inspiring us to have the courage to achieve success and dreams in life". That moment he realized that his past tragic incidents in life opened the door for his current success in life. It was a moment to treasure.
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