Friday, November 16, 2007

Is Job Loss Making you Sick?

Job loss affects us like any other loss in life. There are other losses that are greater, but this one comes close.

From my experience, job loss can make people sick! There is often terrible anger; anger which turns into depression. Even euphoria, or gladness that the terrible job is over, has its downside.

Relief from leaving a bad job should be enjoyed while it lasts. That stage won’t last long either. The relief can prepare the job seeker for a second wind and serve as a buffer for the road ahead as a new job seeker.

When anger, depression and frustration set in, the “job loser”, soon to be job seeker, can hit some rough spots with displaced anger; sleeplessness, irritability and mild despair. That’s a time to get some medical advice, perhaps, to cope a little better with loss. (I don’t advise a lot of drugs to get back on track).

This time, too, in the job search recovery period is to get some exercise. Exercising at something, not out of habit or compulsion, but exercise at something that is fun, helps stave off the job loss blues.

Another important thing to do is to get emotional support. It doesn’t matter where the support comes from; a family member or an agency. Emotional support can be a life saver in helping job seekers to see their predicament as something that can be lived through. A helper who is funny and pleasant to be around, can help the job seeker to avoid mood swings and depression.

Talking helps a lot. Writing down the job loss experience and throwing the paper away you’ve written on, can provide a feeling of closure. By all means, don’t stay isolated. And hope of a better future can mean the difference between job loss sickness and a healthier future.


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